Happytel Blogs
You may have many questions about your phone, ranging from why it keeps malfunctioning to wanting to find out how to best protect it with our products. Whatever it is you need to know, we have the answers! We'll also keep you updated on new tech that comes onto the market so that you're never out of the loop. Browse through our blogs to find the one that best answers your questions about mobile phones.
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Reboot It could happen because the device’s software crashed. First, try to reboot your phone by holding the power button and home button together for at least 10 seconds. Ear jack cable replacement If you can see the headphone’s volume changing when the volume button is pressed even without the headphone being plugged in, the device thinks that you have the headphone plugged in when you do not. This can be solved by replacing the ear jack cable. Restore its setting If the sound problem continues after the reboot, follow the steps below: Settings > General > Reset...

Reboot It could happen because the device’s software crashed. First, try to reboot your phone by holding the power button and home button together for at least 10 seconds. Dust in its upper side microphone’s hole The microphone may not be working properly due to the dust or dirt in the microphone’s hole. Remove dust/dirt if you can see something in there. Ear jack cable replacement If you can see the headphone’s volume changing when the volume button is pressed even without the headphone being plugged in, the device thinks that you have the headphone plugged in when...

A broken phone is one of the most devastating things ever. That's why finding a trustworthy and professional repairer is so essential. Happytel is a leading retailer in mobile accessories and repairs with 53 stores across AUS and NZ. We specialise in phone repairs, accessories and tech, and our technicians are professionally trained phone experts. We know how important your phone is to you and that nothing is worse than a broken phone. Don't say goodbye just yet. From cracked screens to data recovery, bring your phone to our mobile technicians and let us fix the problem. Happytel technicians are...