Happytel Blogs
You may have many questions about your phone, ranging from why it keeps malfunctioning to wanting to find out how to best protect it with our products. Whatever it is you need to know, we have the answers! We'll also keep you updated on new tech that comes onto the market so that you're never out of the loop. Browse through our blogs to find the one that best answers your questions about mobile phones.
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You deserve to get the most out of your mobile, and what better plans than Circles. Get up to 160GB for data for just $55 per month. No lock in contract and powered by the Optus 4G Plus Network, what else more could you want in a sim plan? It’s time you stress less about your mobile plans. Visit our stores to pick up your SIM card in person or sign up online to get it delivered straight to your door Check out the awesome plans below. To sign up at the discounted rate and get your SIM delivered, simply...